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Donate a Vehicle

Wondering what to do with your used car, boat, RV, or motorcycle?

RMFR partners with ARS through Car Donation Wizard to facilitate donations to the rescue. Through the Car Donation Wizard website, you may designate RMFR as your charity of choice to receive the income made from the sale of your car or truck.


Donating your used vehicle to RMFR is convenient, easy, and qualifies you for a tax deduction. Best of all, your donation will go a long way in saving the lives of cats and kittens! 

Click below to fill out a simple online form or call 1-888-755-5435 and they will take care of the rest! They will pick up your vehicle regardless of where you live, arrange to have your donation towed, and provide you with a tax-deductible receipt, all at no charge to you.

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