***Rocky Mountain Feline Rescue is currently not taking applications for new volunteers at this time. Please check back in spring for open volunteer opportunities, if you have any questions please email us at volunteer@rmfr-colorado.org.***
The staff at Rocky Mountain Feline Rescue rely on the time and talent of our volunteers to fulfill our mission and ensure that our shelter is successful. We currently need a limited number of in-shelter volunteers to assist with essential tasks, and we have several opportunities to volunteer from the comfort of your home. If you are interested in helping, please review the opportunities and requirements below and complete the volunteer application.

Current Volunteer Opportunities:
- Kennel Tech Volunteer
Help keep our facility clean! Duties may include laundry, cleaning dishes, litter boxes, kennels, and other surfaces around the shelter.
- Medical Volunteer
Help our medical team care for our cats! Duties may include helping administer medication, restrain/keep cats calm during medical procedures or exams, and other medical team tasks.
- Adoption Event Volunteer
Attend adoption events and assist in greet patrons, introducing them to cats, and spreading the word about our mission.
- Bingo Volunteer
Attend Bingo Tuesday night and help new players learn the rules, all while supporting rescue cats!
- Facilities Support
Help us keep our building up and running! Duties may include backyard upkeep and fixing things around the shelter that break.
- Fundraising, Grant Writing and Marketing Support
How to Get Started!
1. Complete a volunteer application.​​
2. We will reach out to you via email with next steps and a Fear Free Shelter Training Course.
3. Attend a volunteer orientation.
4. Contribute $15 to help cover the cost of a t-shirt.

Age Requirements
All general volunteers must be 18 years of age or older. See below for volunteer opportunities for those ages 8 to 17.
Teen Volunteers (14-17 y/o):
Teens between the ages of 14-17 years of age must complete a TEEN APPLICATION and have a phone interview with the Volunteer Coordinator.
Junior Volunteers (8-13 y/o):
Children ages 8-13 years of age can volunteer with their parent/guardian.
*Certain positions require prerequisites and/or age requirements – these are discussed at orientation.
Fundraise for RMFR
Don't have the time or energy to volunteer? Consider fundraising for RMFR!
We accept all monetary donations. If you are wanting to host an item donation drive for us, or want us to promote your fundraising event, please contact us at:
Board of Directors
If you have professional skills and can consistently commit 20 hours per month to help RMFR grow, consider joining the Board of Directors.
We are looking for help in the following areas: Finance, Facilities Projects, Volunteer Recruiting, Event Planning & Fundraising, HR, Legal, Investments
​If you are interested in volunteering to be a member of the Board of Directors, please submit your resume to development@rmfr-colorado.org. You will then be contacted by a Board member, who will provide additional information.
Community Service
If you are interested in completing Community Service, please contact our Volunteer Coordinator at
We are NOT a walk-in facility and you must speak with staff before starting your service.
Group Volunteers
For any group volunteer inquiries, please contact our Volunteer Coordinator for information at volunteer@rmfr-colorado.org.
We are NOT a walk-in facility and you must speak with staff for your group volunteer opportunities.